Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finish Up

A reading challenge appears! Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is a book that has a movie coming out in June 2012. My friend and I have decided to have a mini two-person book club for it, to see if it's any good. I fear that if I successfully complete the challenge (finish it by March 31st), I will be forced to read more for said book club. This may or may not actually be a bad thing.

I've had problems finishing things for a while now. I hardly ever beat video games, I don't tend to watch many movies or TV series, and finishing a book is like pulling teeth. I'm pretty sure wallowing in self-pity about how I don't watch movies very often isn't as conducive as spending the same amount of time just watching something. Recently, I was made to sit down and watch The Book to Eli starring Denzel Washington, and it was actually really good! A good twist always makes something awesome, and even more so if it makes the second viewing great.

In any case, I've debated about whether I should buy a paperback or ebook copy and I think I'm going to go with the electronic version. This "cloud" of data nowadays makes identity theft even more terrifying but it's so forward-thinking as far as being renewable, less matter consumption, and cutting down on piracy. After having a good portion of my games on Steam and recently discovering Spotify, it's hard to see why I'd ever buy physical media again as long as I had the internet.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Life Happens

The day was a crappy one but it ended well enough, with conflict resolution and all...! I can only hope things will look up for the new week. At least it's raining this weekend, and I'll try not to venture out if I can help it. *cue hot chocolate & cozy blanket*

We're having friends over tomorrow evening and it should be sweeeet. Even more so because I just found out they might have to move a few states away sooner rather than later, due to life and its happenings. Good friends are hard to make, and they were definitely on that list. :') 

I can't get too upset because this type of stuff, this change, is what happens when you grow up, grow older, and have to adapt to the circumstances given to you. The independence I have now and the control I can exert on said circumstances is kind of... empowering. I realize I sound like a kid who has just realized they can use their allowance to buy candy at the store, but I don't think I've ever taken much time to take a step back and think about how far I've come. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility and so it's a bit intimidating if I think too hard about how the safety net ends with me rather than my parents now.

Sometimes, I just feel like a kid's mind inside an older adult's body. And wonder if I'm the only one and everyone actually knows what they're doing as opposed to feeling like an impostor like I do.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cutting of the Ribbon

New blog! Like newly fallen snow, it is soon trampled and left to melt-- wait, no. That was a horrible simile. Let me back up.

I'm Jacki and I have terrible, terrible writer's block right now. I'm not quite sure when it started but I do know that there's something holding me back. From writing in my paper journal to restarting a blog and establishing it (again), I keep wanting to get something done, something down on paper, something that will show me an archive of the amount of entries for months I've written in. But I'm held back by something. And I don't know what it is. :/

Well! I've decided to take the plunge and assume the only thing that is holding me back is me. So here is my blog. I hope it's coherent enough. I'm still not sure how often I'll fill this thing, or what I'll talk about. But there's that nagging doubt again, not doing much to prove me wrong that it was me all along. Can I be correct and incorrect at the same time...?

Anyway, the title of this new blog kind of describes how I've perpetually felt as far as putting my thoughts down go. What am I thinking about? What to say, what to say... "Nothing." It's like all my thoughts lined up and all took a step back when I'm confronted with the question, leaving nary a single sentence to utter. Better to look idle then, than to stutter and stumble around, stammering "well, like, it's just, like, you know" until you can almost hear the audible *click* of people's brains shutting off.

I had meant to start this in January, for the new year. Oh welllll. There's has to be a beginning to everything!